Groove-billed Ani

Groove-billed Ani

Groove-billed Ani

February 2013 – The Sloth Sanctuary, Costa Rica

A group of these were jumping through the branches along the side of a small slough. I only had a few moments to snap a photo… so it’s not the best, but good enough to post, I suppose.

Blue-gray Tanager

Blue-gray Tanager

Blue-gray Tanager

February 2013 – The Sloth Sanctuary, Costa Rica

These are fairly common birds, and can be attracted to feeders… which consist of bananas or plantains split open and left for the birds to pick at.

Passerini’s Tanager

Passerini's Tanager

Passerini’s Tanager

February 2013 – The Sloth Sanctuary, Costa Rica

The males of these birds look virtually identical to Cherrie’s Tanager. But the females of the two species look a bit different. The two species live on opposite coasts of Costa Rica.

Black Vulture

Black Vulture

Black Vulture

February 2013 – Cahuita, Costa Rica

A group of these vultures were hanging out in a bare tree with a group of iguanas – quite a sight. This was right near the entrance to Cahuita National Park.

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

February 2013 – Cahuita, Costa Rica

A few of these birds were wading in the shallow waters near the entrance to Cahuita National Park. They were very tame for herons – most herons I’ve encountered have been a lot more skittish. It was nice of this one to pose for this photo…

Green Heron

Green Heron

Green Heron

February 2013 – The Sloth Sanctuary, Costa Rica

I don’t see a lot of Green Herons, but somehow I’ve managed to get a lot of decent shots of them. This one was along a slough near the Sloth Sanctuary, which is just south of Limon, Costa Rica.







Green Heron

Green Heron

May 2011 – Oregon Garden, Oregon

I saw this Green Heron at the Oregon Garden on May 22, 2011. It was following the shoreline of one of the ponds late in the day. It was pretty focused on hunting for poly-wogs (which were plentiful), and I was able to get fairly close. Encountering this bird when and where I did, and with just enough light was a bit lucky. I got a couple shots of him hunting and eating, but the movement was so fast, it blurred out – the light was low, and I had to use a slower shutter speed. In addition, I was so excited, I forget to check the switch for the image stabilizer on my lens. Of course, it was off… So, a number of my shots have just a touch of jitter blur. But, a few of them came out OK.


Western Slaty-Antshrike

Western Slaty-Antshrike

Western Slaty-Antshrike

February 2013 – Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica

This female was feeding a youngster who was hanging out in a trailside bush. The male, seen below, is slightly more colorful, with little white speckles. I saw a few of these along the trail in Cahuita National Park.









Western Slaty-Antshrike

Western Slaty-Antshrike