Boat-billed Heron

Boat-billed Heron

Boat-billed Heron

February 2013 – Cahuita, Costa Rica

These are another unlikely-looking bird. The bill is neat, but I love the feet on this bird. A number of these were hanging out in the trees near the entrance to Cahuita National Park in the early morning.

Chestnut-mandibled Toucan

Chestnut-mandibled Toucan

Chestnut-mandibled Toucan

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

If someone had described the Toucan without any evidence, I doubt it would be believed. There are a number of toucan species in Costa Rica, and I did see a couple others, but they zoomed by very quickly. This is the only one I was able to identify and photograph.

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

This Snowy Egret was wading in the shallows on Carate Beach, acting more like a sandpiper than an Egret… but, whatever works, I suppose!

Tricolored Heron

Tricolored Heron

Tricolored Heron

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

There is a lagoon in the Carate Beach area, that comes within about 100 yards of the ocean. A good variety of herons and related birds probe the water’s edge in the early morning.









Tricolored Heron

Tricolored Heron

Cherrie’s Tanager

Cherrie's Tanager

Cherrie’s Tanager

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

These striking birds are somewhat common in the Osa Peninsula, and many other parts of western Costa Rica. These were both near the Carate Beach area.

The second image can be a bit odd to look at. This is a view of the bird’s back, and his head is turned around.

The females of this species look quite different than the males.. they’re sort of a mottled orange and brown color – still very lovely, but not quite as striking.






Cherrie's Tanager

Cherrie’s Tanager

Roadside Hawk

Roadside Hawk

Roadside Hawk

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

Yup, that’s the official name of this bird… To me, it’s like calling a sparrow “Brown Bird” or something. But, I will admit… I got this photo along the side of a road. So, I suppose there’s something to it.

Yellow-headed Caracara

Yellow-headed Caracara

Yellow-headed Caracara

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula

I know what you’re thinking… this bird does not have a yellow head. But, it’s a youngster… its plumage changes after the 2nd year. I do have other shots of the adult bird, but I like this one better with the palms… This was on Carate Beach.