Common Murre

Common Murre

Common Murre

September 2013 – Off the Oregon Coast

Outside the breeding season, these birds take-on a different appearance, and stick mostly to the water. Why come to land if you don’t have to?







Common Murre

Common Murre

November 2008 – Yaquina Head, Oregon

If penguins could fly, they’d probably look a lot like the Common Murre. These were getting ready to roost (not sure if there are nests here) on a rocky outcrop just off of Yaquina Head, near Newport, Oregon.

Heermann’s Gull

Heerman's Gull

Heerman’s Gull

September 2013 – Oregon Coast

Gull species can be hard to identify sometimes, but Heerman’s Gull stands out with unique coloration and that striking orange bill. I haven’t seen a whole lot of these along the coast… in fact, this one is the first sighting I’ve confirmed myself – yay, a new bird for me!

Cackling Goose

Cackling Goose

Cackling Goose

July 2013 – Fernhill Wetlands, Oregon

These are often mistaken for the closely related Canada Goose (which in-turn are often mistakenly called Canadian Geese). They’re shorter and stockier than the Canada, but often will mix together with their larger brethern.

Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

July 2013 – Fernhill Wetlands, Oregon

This bird was wading all along in the shallows, not far from the parking area at Fernhill. It was almost like a bonus bird as I prepared to hit the road.

Chipping Sparrow

Chipping Sparrow

Chipping Sparrow

April 2013 – Mosier, Oregon

This Chipping Sparrow is perched in a Ponderosa Pine, just outside the town of Mosier, Oregon. It was singing its trademark and distinctive song – a simple high-pitched flutter, about 1-2 seconds long.

Blue-headed Fantail

Blue-headed Fantail

Blue-headed Fantail

June 2013 – Banaue area, Philippines

Had a nice moment with one of these in a tree at the Native Village Inn, about 7km west of Banaue. I was lucky to catch a glimpse of this bird. A local person told me this particular bird was a bit of an omen… whether good or bad, he couldn’t say.