
Another movie with a great ending – nothing mattered, it was all a simple case of petty greed.  is it better to have 48 hours of excitement or a lifetime of drunken inebriation?  I suppose if you only have 48 hours to live, you might as well spend it handcuffed to Meg Ryan.

Dirty Filthy Love

This started off really lame, but got better and better as it went & the characters grew and took shape. By the end, it almost seemed like a different movie. Just have patience with this one if you see it. It’s about obsessive compulsive disorder by the way, and just when you think it’s fluffy and light-hearted drivel, it takes a more serious turn in tone.


Yes, the ~30 year-old movie with Burt Reynolds.  I never saw it when it came out (obviously).  I think the most interesting thing about this movie is it shows how movie direction has changed over the years.  If this was made today, there’d be all kinds of super-close-ups, the river would be twice as powerful, the action scenes would be played out to their fullest extent, and there’d be explosions somewhere.  This movie proves that all of that stuff is just crap.  We don’t need it. I loved the portrayals of the hillbillies in this movie – are they screwed-up or what? I liked the way the movie ended too… they pretty much got away with it.  Although they really didn’t do anything that was too wrong.  They just screwed up a bit.  I did often wonder though… didn’t they bother to check if there were unappeasable rapids on the river before they went out?  That’s just stupidity.

Yes, the ~30 year-old movie with Burt Reynolds.  I never saw it when it came out (obviously).  I think the most interesting thing about this movie is it shows how movie direction has changed over the years.  If this was made today, there’d be all kinds of super-close-ups, the river would be twice as powerful, the action scenes would be played out to their fullest extent, and there’d be explosions somewhere.  This movie proves that all of that stuff is just crap.  We don’t need it. I loved the portrayals of the hillbillies in this movie – are they screwed-up or what? I liked the way the movie ended too… they pretty much got away with it.  Although they really didn’t do anything that was too wrong.  They just screwed up a bit.  I did often wonder though… didn’t they bother to check if there were unappeasable rapids on the river before they went out?  That’s just stupidity.

Deep Impact

This came out around the same time as Armageddon, with a similar theme. Yet, somehow was like the forgotten little brother to that other horrid disaster. This was much better than Armageddon, but it wasn’t “great”.  The characters in this movie were a lot more real – they actually took the time to develop some of the characters.  The story was a little more believable (although it wasn’t much more “real”, they did a better job of selling it.)  Plus, this movie tried to tackle the huge human questions that would be posed by such a disaster: how would people react? what would the government do?, etc.  I actually liked the special effects of this movie better than those of Armageddon, but they were “lower budget” (I’d rather see New York get smothered by a tidal wave than smashed by a bunch of asteroids) Plus, the end of this movie was somewhat sad, but then again reassuring – even when confronted with disaster, life goes on and people rebuild.  (It’s so rare for major hollywood movies to kill off their main characters unless they come back to life as angels or some crap – this movie actually killed them).  So, if you must see one of last year’s  “outer space object heading for earth” movies, see Deep Impact.

The Day After Tomorrow

Yes, it was completely unrealistic, and I could go on and on about the completely impossible sequences and coincidences. But, for some reason I liked it… You know what I think it was? That snobby rich kid turned out to be all-right in the end – they didn’t resort to the usual cliche. That alone was enough for me to give this one a little credit. If you see this, just go in knowing it’s completely ridiculous, and try to suspend your disbelief… Yes, it’s a good test of ones patience.

The DaVinci Code

I was certain I would find this really dumb, but I actually liked it. Maybe it was just the effect of low expectations? I cared about the characters, and enjoyed the performances. Even though the general ending was fairly obvious about half-way through, there were still enough surprises along the way to keep one’s interest. Of course, the general premise… with the giant conspiracy, and all the puzzles, etc. is just well… kind of stupid. But, you just have to put that aside for a couple hours.

Danny Deckchair

Gosh, just a feel-good mush-fest to the maximum degree.  I guess the world needs movies like this though, it helps offset all the Vin Diesel movies, and keeps the universe in balance. It’s an aussie love story plot includes: An underappreciated man, a beautiful single woman, small town hijinx, and a big bunch of yellow helium balloons. One thing though, the box promised the DVD “extras” included a visit with the “real” Danny Deckchair, but that was nowhere to be found. I feel ripped off!

Dances with Wolves

Kevin Costner makes hit or miss movies… this one hit.  There was a lot to like about this movie – the characters, the cinematography, the story… I’m  sure that daily Indian life wasn’t as pleasant as portrayed in the movie, but that didn’t bother me so much.  I liked the way that KC slowly transformed himself from civil war hero to “indian brave”.  Totanka!!!