Mindless fun. The only problem is that now the conspiracy theorists who really believe in the “real life men in black” will be laughed at. Nobody is going to take them seriously after this movie. They must feel so betrayed.
Mindless fun. The only problem is that now the conspiracy theorists who really believe in the “real life men in black” will be laughed at. Nobody is going to take them seriously after this movie. They must feel so betrayed.
Someday, hollywood will officially beat WWII to death. I think if you watched every WWII movie back-to-back-to-back, it would probably last longer than the war did. So many of them are just like this one – a mediocore story about kids thrust into an extrodinary circumstance. Sure, it’s a decent movie, but considering the subject matter, you’d have to work to make it a really bad film.
The first half-hour of this movie had real promise, and there were some funny little bits scattered throughout… but, there was no glue to hold the mess together. That’s what the story was – a complete mess. A lot of this movie made absolutely no sense whatsoever, instead it relied on stuff like “a guy with a chicken stuck up his ass” for entertainment. Yes sir, millions of years of evolution, 5000 years of civilization, and it’s produced this.
Really well done. The movie is about a guy who has no ability to form new memories. He gets wrapped-up in a complicated plot where he’s trying to exact revenge on the person who killed his wife, but is really being used by those around him. The writing and editing/direction of the movie was first rate. Most significantly, the movie is presented in “reverse time”, which was a great way of helping the audience identify with the main character… possibly the only way.
The only problem? if this man has no ability to remember things, how does he know he has “this condition”, or that he’s in the revenge business (he’s not looking at his tatoos every few seconds). I think he’d be a lot less-functional in real life, but then we wouldn’t have much of a movie would we? Well, that’s really nit-picking… go see this.
Have you ever just watched a movie on fast-forward, stopping every so often to catch up on the plot? I’ve done that… not with this movie, but this would be a good candidate for the method. Sean Connery looks for a cure for cancer in the jungle, ho hum.
See review for “The Longest Yard”… except this is soccer… and slightly better.
I think this was based on Stephen King book. Why do they keep making his books into movies? almost all of them suck (the movies, not the books… I’ve never read any of his books, it’s just not my thing) The machines come alive! look out!
Despite the fact the movie tries way to hard to be really really epic (especially near the end – everything is soooo dramatic – by the time Trinity bites it, I was just thinking, come on! get it over with already!) I did like this movie. However, I was wondering about one thing… if the people can fly from Zion to the surface of the planet, why do the machines have to drill through anything to reach Zion?
I had the feeling they made the “true reality of the Matrix” so complicated that nobody could really understand it… instead, all the moviegoers just nod their heads and say, “oh ya… that’s so deep.”. Huh? Some of the action scenes go on too long, but the middle of this movie – the parts with the keymaker & such – were really good. The whole thing actually started to feel like an alternate reality… it was so deep.
I hear they’re making a couple sequels to this at the same time. I’m sure they’ll make tons of money. yes, it was a neat stylish movie, I liked it. I was happy that they took plenty of time to explain exactly what the matrix was. I’ve seen too many movies that leave that kind of stuff hanging because they figure people won’t understand it anyway.
It’s a Man’s movie, dammit. Men, ships, guns, rogues, botany… botany? Well, they are British after all. It’s filled with a lot of predicable action and acting, but still a lot of fun to watch.
Jim Carrey’s “breakthrough” movie (and Cameron Diaz’s too). He is good in this movie, but I think the success of this certainly contributed to his current annoying personality…. and for that, the Mask can not be forgiven.
Gosh, what a sad movie. It does make one think about those people that aren’t blessed with a “normal” body or normal life. I think almost everybody has been guilty – at least on the subconscious level – of seeing a disfigured person and cringing. I think there must be some evolutionary biological mechanism at work there. What would happen if the elephant man’s mother was a biker chick? go see this movie and find out.
Neat, but it should have been about a half hour long. It was like they created these neat Martian characters, but then they didn’t know where to go. They should have cut some scenes short and lengthened others.
I’d been waiting for this – a really good documentary about Emporer Penguins. I don’t think it could have been done much better than this either. One thing though, the movie seems to imply that this group is the only group of Emporer Penguins in the world, when that’s not the case.
Steve Martin meets Frankenstein… er something like that. I guess he doesn’t build a monster, but there is an “igorish” element to the movie. It would be cool if this kind of thing could really happen. I’d love to live on in a jar of jelly after my body dies.
James Bond kills an evil millionaire bent on ruling… or destroying the world.
More Mel. Pretty cheesy, rather dismissible.
I don’t really remember much about this movie – it was from back in the days when Tom Hanks still did comedies. Kind of your “normal guy gets mixed up in big conspiracy” thing. It was pieced together pretty well.
Few people had kind words to say about this, but I liked it. Sure, it was a bit predictable, but stories like this usually are. I think people didn’t like it because of a subconscious backlash against Leonardo DiCaprio. This movie came out soon after Titanic. I think people wanted Hollywood’s golden boy to flounder a little. Sure, this movie wasn’t awesome or anything, but it was decent.
Smart kid builds a nuclear bomb. This was intelligently done. It would be really easy to screw up a movie with this kind of plot. It’s been done countless times. Sure, the “steal the plutonium” scene was a little unbelievable, but it did work – the movie didn’t make any “leaps of faith” with respect to plot development, it let the intelligence of the characters move the plot along. (one thing though, if you smoke inside, it still smells for hours afterwards)
I was really rooting for silent Bob to “see” the 3D picture. He’s missing out on one of life’s great joys. Although if one can’t see the picture, one might as well cause mayhem in a mall. I thought the love story was dumb, that one guy who went on the game show was a total dork, he didn’t deserve the girl. But there was plenty of good dialogue and general goofiness.
Just read the plot summary on the jacket of the DVD, you’ll save yourself 2 hours of completely predictable and totally absurd “plot”. On second thought, even reading the jacket is a waste of time.
Strange to say, but I think this movie needed to be longer. It was really long, but I think it needed another 20 minutes to really complete the stories. In case you wondered, this is another of those “intertwined lives” movies, a la ‘short cuts’ or ‘pulp fiction’. It was done really well – there was a lot of good acting, and the direction was first rate. I wish I could find better words of praise for this movie… it deserves some. I guess I’m just not sure what it was really about. Perhaps it was just about life & relationships & consequences, but isn’t almost every movie about that? Anyway, if you want to see an inventive, beautiful, smart and long movie, go see this.
This movie was so dumb I didn’t even finish watching it. (Were those supposed to be jokes???). Just a bunch of people standing around trying to be funny or something. I can’t believe this was made by the same person that helped make Airplane! and Top Secret. Where’s Zucker?