
This movie is about a bunch of dope growers in northern California. Their boss gets killed, they don’t know who did it, and they decide to sell the crop… but they don’t really know what they’re doing. It’s a pretty funny movie – it doesn’t have much of the ‘whooo I’m so stoned’ type of humor, it’s sort of a dark comedy about a bunch of people in way over their heads. This theme has been done before, but this movie takes a somewhat fresh approach. I never had the feeling that I’d seen it all before, the acting, characters, and writing were all good, and I liked the ending & the way the plot wrapped itself up. I was surprised by all the big names in it: Ted Danson, John Lithgow, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kelly Lynch, Billy Bob Thornton…

Fierce Creatures

I saw this movie in Pattaya, Thailand in a crummy hotel room.  I was totally sick and unable to go golfing with my friends.  So, I stayed inside almost all day in a half-conscious daze.  The TV didn’t really come in very well, there was an annoying flashing horizontal line across the middle of the tiny screen.  The speakers buzzed loudly in unison with the flashing line.  I could barely hear the movie, but I watched it anyway.  It seemed to be OK… a lot like “a fish called wanda” (go figure), but not quite as good.  I’m not entirely sure what the plot even was.