Great Kiskadee

Great Kiskadee

Great Kiskadee

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

I’m pretty sure this is a Great Kiskadee and not a Boat-billed Flycatcher (the two look very similar), as I have a few other images in this series that help with the identification… (though, I’ll have to say that the bill on this one looks more like the Boat-billed). Anyway, neat bird.

Mangrove Black-Hawk

Mangrove Black-Hawk

Mangrove Black-Hawk

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

These were fairly common in the Carate Beach area… They look like some other Black-Hawk species, but I had to do a bit of detective work to arrive at this identification… just because they’re called a “Mangrove” Black-Hawk, doesn’t mean there needs to be a mangrove forest nearby…




February 2013 – Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

So, it seems the Bananaquit is in a class by itself… not sure how it’s related to other bird families. That’s fine with me. Saw a bunch of these in and around the Carate Beach area.

Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaw

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula

After seeing these birds soaring free and wild, it’s hard to ponder one in a cage.. outside of the tropics. These birds love life so much, they need to live it.








Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaw

Crested Caracara

Crested Caracara

Crested Caracara

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

One of those birds I always considered so rare, but simply because they live in another place. In their own habitat, they’re not rare at all… rather a very visible large bird.

Black-throated Trogon

Black-throated Trogon

Black-throated Trogon

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

I have to thank Dennis, the driver of our car, for hearing this Black-throated Trogon calling softly as we drove underneath. He got out and spotted the bird pretty quickly… and a female nearby too. Pretty amazing experience, even if it was only brief.






Black-throated Trogon - Female

Black-throated Trogon – Female

Barred Becard

Barred Becard

Barred Becard

February 2013 – Monteverde, Costa Rica

This is one of those birds that visited a branch nearby in the undergrowth for one a few moments. I managed a couple decent shots, and then it was gone.

Blue-crowned Motmot

Blue-crowned Motmot

Blue-crowned Motmot

February 2013 – Monteverde, Costa Rica

At least two of these were hanging out near the entrance of a reserve that borders Monteverde. The other one had a really beat-up tail – not sure how that happened. This one was in a little better shape.

Coppery-headed Emerald

Coppery-headed Emerald

Coppery-headed Emerald

February 2013 – Monteverde, Costa Rica

It’s interesting to pick out the different Hummingbirds. They’re often very similar, yet all certainly identifiable. It would be quite a job to be the first one to figure this all out.