White-vented Myna

White-vented Myna

White-vented Myna

June 2013 – Singapore

These loud and vociferous birds are common throughout Singapore. They are similar to Starlings in many habits… though, they’re a bit larger, and I’m not sure if they flock to the same degree. Anyway, they seem a smart bird, that’s managed to handle the transition to modernity well.

Black Phoebe

Black Phoebe

Black Phoebe

May 2013, Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge, OR

I didn’t realize how common these birds are in Ankeny Wildlife Refuge, which is just south of Salem, OR. If you look at most guidebooks, they’ll tell you the range of the Black Phoebe extends just barely along the coast of southern Oregon. Apparently, those need to be updated.





Black Phoebe

Black Phoebe

May 2011 – Shore Acres State Park, OR

While this is a fairly common bird in some parts of the US, I hadn’t seen one prior to this occasion in Shore Acres state park, on the southern Oregon coast. Often when I spot a new bird, I’ll get pretty excited – like I just made a new discovered. Later, when I look them up, it’s more of a ho-hum experience. Still, it’s fun to see new things.

A few of these birds were flying around some bushes, catching flies in the air and such. I was having a hard time focusing on them (and just missed an amazing mid-air fly-grabbing shot!), so this one was the best I could do – not exactly a natural setting on some brick tiles, but that’s ok.




March 2013 –  Hillsboro, Oregon

For years, the plum tree in our backyard hasn’t produced anything. For some reason, this spring, a flock of bushtits were all over the tree when it was in bloom – on multiple days. Now it’s July, and… we have tons of plums. Coincidence? or are bushtits just great pollinators?







September 2012 –  Jackson Bottom – Hillsboro, Oregon

I intercepted a group of Bushtits, who obliged me by picking through a trailside tree for a few minutes. These tiny birds are pretty entertaining as they assume every conceivable pose and position.











July 2011 –  Hillsboro, Oregon

A flock of these Bushtits were swarming a tree in my backyard in Portland in July 2011. Anyone who’s noticed these tiny, energetic birds will know how they almost always exist in flocks of 10 to 20 birds… ceaselessly darting to and fro, and chattering non-stop. It’s unusual to see one rest for a little while and fluff its feathers like this. This one was staying warm in the afternoon sun… The birds were pretty oblivious to my presence. I should also point out that these birds are particularly responsive to hearing their species song played back to them. That random chattering really gets them excited; though, it’s best to do this kind of thing in moderation, as it can add a bit of stress to an already-fragile little creature.

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush

April 2013 – Hillsboro, Oregon

Sometimes you just don’t know who might be visiting your own backyard. These are common birds, but they’re a bit secretive and camera-shy. I was only able to click a couple of frames before this one fluttered away.

Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat

April 2013 – Oregon

It’s early april, and the Yellowthroats have just returned to the area for the season.







Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat

June 2011 – Hillsboro, Oregon

A bunch of yellowthroats were flitting around the bushes in a wetland near my home. I was trying out a new portable blind. The birds weren’t really fooled, but I still managed a few passable shots.

Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

April 2013 – Smith and Bybee Lakes, Oregon

This bird was very actively probing cracks and crevices for insects, really more like a creeper than a woodpecker. I managed to snap a few decent shots as he poked out from behind some brambles.

American Kestrel

American Kestrel

American Kestrel

March 2013 – Sauvie Island, Oregon

As common as these birds are, they’re quite skittish. You’d think a tough little bird like this would stand its ground more boldly, but no.

Green-winged Teal

Green-winged Teal

Green-winged Teal

March 2013 – Sauvie Island, Oregon

Not the best photo, but my time with this pair was fleeting… they only appeared for a few moments among a number of other species.

Red-breasted Sapsucker

Red-breasted Sapsucker

Red-breasted Sapsucker

April 2013 – Sauvie Island, Oregon

Same bird, different day… a few weeks later. This tree must be pretty productive for this pair of Red-breasted Sapsuckers, because they were both still there, a few weeks after my previous visit (below). Anyway, here are a couple more photos from the exact same location.









Red-breasted Sapsucker

Red-breasted Sapsucker












Red-breasted Sapsucker

Red-breasted Sapsucker

March 2013 – Sauvie Island, Oregon

This one was very intent on maintaining his sap tree, about 15-20ft high on the side of a tree along the trail.