
Much of this movie was cute, and fun, and beautiful… But I thought the main story (about the bird, etc), was “forced”, like the needed “something” to keep the story moving, and you could see the writers shrugging their shoulders, “rare rainbow colored bird? Um, I guess that’ll do…” I guess I just don’t like it when “they” invent animal species for some reason. Maybe it goes back to an old episode of woody woodpecker about the “pipsquak bird” wherein a birdwatcher is mocked, etc… I hated that episode during my childhood, and have disliked that plot device ever since. I’m not entirely sure why, but there you have it. Anyway, this movie has enough positives going for it to more than compensate.
(oh, one other thing… Do they even have squirrels in the amazon? I’d guess not… So, why would the dogs even know of squirrels, much less call one out? Stuff like that makes me feel like the writers are talking down to me. Sure, it would be a funny little “bit” for a kid, but I expect more from pixar wrt/ jokes like that one.)

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