The Pillow Book

Peter Greenaway makes really cool movies. ‘Movie’ really doesn’t describe them well though, they’re more like ‘paintings which move’. I predict that 500 years from now, when movies are nothing more than a historical novelty, Peter Greenaway’s movies will have a cult following. I haven’t seen all his movies… just the more recent ones. “The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover” was probably his most well known. “Prospero’s Books” was the most ‘out there’, and “Drowning by Numbers” was just fun to watch. I can’t really do justice to any of these movies with words. If you must know, “The Pillow Book” is about… um… calligraphy, and one woman’s obsession with it. If you are expecting a normal movie, you’ll probably be disappointed. if you have an open mind, you’ll really dig all of these movies.


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