Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

Ok,I actually liked this movie. It was entertaining, fun, and visually spectacular. It did a good job of transporting me to “another place”. The jar-jar binks character didn’t even really bother me too much (although I think it would have been a much better movie without him, or if he was done differently). As my friend said, the pod race and the light-saber fight at the end were worth the admission price all on their own. I think people are generally wanting too much from these movies – comparing them to the first couple. That’s not really fair… they need to stand on their own. (I still can’t believe that I got into an argument with someone who sincerely believed that Darth Vader was NOT Luke’s father, Annakin. He went away thinking I was an idiot… all I could do was shake my head… what is WRONG with people?)


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